  Have you ever been alone without anybody by your side for a day ? If not , can you even imagine being alone for 7 years?  Have you ever realised that you should have done something , or said something to someone but now you can't because they're gone? Have you ever felt regret? Most of those questions that I've asked you are what happens to a girl around her late/middle teens in a book called "Island of the Blue Dolphins". This story has a lot of emotion going on all at once, because at first you’re exultant, then all of a sudden it makes you feel depressed for Karana’s loss and confused, and makes you think, “Why did this have to happen?”, or “ Couldn’t they have just stayed with the deal?” Besides that, I really love the story "Island of the Blue Dolphins " because of its complex lessons , and thrilling plot. I love how it shows you the trials and hardships that Karana has to go through and the way it makes you feel that you are in her head thinking  with her.

       One event that is very intense in the story  is when Karana, the main character and daughter of the chief and her tribe of Ghalas-at, gets into a battle with  Aleuts , who has come to catch otter on their island, the Aleuts made a deal with the chief that they would get half of the profit and that was that, but of course the Aleuts wanted to be greedy and keep all of the profit , plus they tried to sneak off! When that happened the chief started to have a conversation with the head captain , and he ended up getting shot!  All of the tribesman started running to the shore of the beach  and began to battle with the  Aleuts.  But because they had better  weapons most of the tribesmen were killed . The reason I think this event is is intense , is because it is a start to a new beginning for the Ghalas-at tribe, and especially for Karana.

        Also,  Karana’s character toward the middle of this story is very forlorn , and very confused , because the way she was used to living life was  very different from the way she had to live when she was alone. Being isolated/ abandoned is very hard especially when you don’t exactly know how to defend yourself. “In the wild”  and being “alone” are rarely seen together because usually you always have one other person but there, it is only her , because the island  was only home to the Ghalas-at Tribe, plus the animals and plants that inhabited it. And at one point in the story she seems despairing . Karana has to learn how to be the man and woman of her life, because she needs to take full control of herself , because if she doesn’t she could easily die.As the stories plot contrives Karana starts to grow , not just as a person , but as a leader. So she becomes emotionally and physically  ready for the challenges she faces. 
      The detail of the story is very thoughtful and eloquent. You can see the images in your head and they are very realistic too. Most books I have read don’t easily show the picture like this one does. When you read the book you will understand it fully , but some parts might be too graphic if you aren’t a person who can handle those kinds of things like someone being killed,  murder scenes , and fighting , because there is lot’s of action in this book. Overall I would recommend it to anyone who can read , and to anyone  who understands the hardships of life  when you are by yourself. The theme that I got from this book is , “Don’t give up  when life turns tough”, because even though Karana loses so many of the things she loved  she gains  confidence , and pride for herself, and if she didn’t give up neither should  we in our real life situations.

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